Clinton, Obama, and the “making history” narrative

I’m in the very last stage of the dissertation! Hurrah! Anyway, in order to keep from freaking out like Jack N. in The Shining, I’ve got the cable news networks on to keep myself company. I’m so very lonely!

The narrative that this is is an historic election comes up often, and the dialogue about the Democratic candidates always makes me think of the title of the 1982 book “All the Woman are White, all the Blacks are Men, But Some of Us are Brave.” Twenty-six years later and that statement still seems true.


Anyway, I haven’t thought about it too deeply, but I keep coming back to it. I’ve got to get back to work – there are some dangling modifiers to correct.

Wish me luck, Bunny!

1 Response to “Clinton, Obama, and the “making history” narrative”

  1. 1 Wistar March 2, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    I can’t believe you’re almost done! Darren and I want to come celebrate with you after you finish. We can help you contemplate the rest of your life. 🙂

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